
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ready To Clock Out Please

It has been an extremely challenging month for this return to work mom. I miss the days of SAHM  but I'm welcoming the weekly paycheck with open arms. I can definitely see great benefits of having a job outside of the home. I've been enjoying talking with new coworkers and clients. It's been interesting to learn about the company I'm working for . It's an interesting company with nice benefits. I can definitely see the potential of a career within the company.

 However, it's been extremely hard to get into the swing of being on a schedule. I've never been one to like being on a schedule designed by someone else. I'm by far not a morning person. I have struggled with health related issues that cause fatigue. The Morning routine has been rough at best.I was hired on part time but the training period has been full time. It has been hard not to be accessible to my family. My home has suffered a bit with my time being so scarce. When I come home from work, it's homework and dinner time, time to put on my taxi driver hat, cooking and cleaning await.  I have been exhausted, plagued by headaches, lightheaded, stressed, and experiencing panic attacks. My health has issues and stress pushes the envelope. I haven't even been able to exercise over the past month. I was swimming 4 to 5 days each week. My body feels the change and it isn't helping my need to lose weight.

Anyway I have been having a rough time returning to work after a long spell as a SAHM, even though I did work from home. I am still available for creating Crafts, confetti, banners and similar with my Cricut Machine and Freelance writing, reviews,  and virtual assistant assignments. In some ways I'm thinking that working full time from home is a pretty good idea. So, one of the reasons I returned to work besides income and debt pay down was ti secure health insurance. Unfortunately,  I learned that the company that I work for no longer offers insurance for part time employees. This week, I complete my training and my schedule will (Thank goodness) be reduced to full time status. Although I have the ability to work full time, my status will be part time without the possibility of health insurance. I'm happy to only work there part time as with a young child and health issues, part time works best . However, I'm disappointed to learn that due ti governmental health coverage options aka Obama Care, part time employees no longer quality for health insurance. This defeats the purpose of taking a "real" job. I fee l stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Of course with additional stress and worry, My health issues have flared up including headaches, stressed, panic attacks and lady reproductive issues, thanks a lot job.

At least I can look forward to hopefully adding to the pantry, debt paydown and holiday health.

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