
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ebola Epidemic Reaches The United States

The first case of the Ebola plague in the United States has been officially confirmed. The gentleman that contracted the virus was visiting his family in Dallas, Texas. The patient is hospitalized in quarantine. His partner and family including children have been ordered to remain in their apartment  home. The emergency responders that transported the man to the hospital have also been quarantined.

I believe that the ball has been dropped on the case . The man visited the emergency room only to be sent home with antibiotics and pain medication. Once he became increasingly ill,he was taken to the hospital by ambulance. In addition, it's been claimed that the hospital was informed several times that Thomas Eric Duncan had traveled from Liberia. It was confirmed when hospital staff learned that he did not have a social security number. So essentially, the hospital staff overlooked the symptoms of the virus, overlooked the man's citizenship and has probably exposed hundreds to the Ebola virus.

Take a step back, the Liberia government and even airlines share liability in the spread of the disease. This man was permitted to leave an infected region after exposure to a deadly virus. No only had he helped an ill pregnant lady with Ebola by carrying her into a hospital  (which turned her away due to the illness) but the Liberian government has announced that he was caring for and possibly residing with an ill individual with Ebola.

The man was then permitted to leave the country including boarding three airplanes with two layovers.He traveled from Liberia to Belgium to Washington D.C. to Dallas, Texas. The ramifications are disastrous.In addition, several children were exposed in the Dallas home to the virus. The children  then attended four Dallas schools for four days before the virus was identified. This is terrifying.

I'm truly frightened for the families of the exposed children, his family  and all the people potentially  exposed by this one confirmed case. I pray that all of these people and those around the world will be treated and cured of this horrible disease.

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