
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Week Four A New Plan

Week three was so busy. I didn't even have the opportunity to plan. Now as for week four:
I need to reassess the situation. I know that there are many things that I have to do. I'll begin by making somewhat of a to-do list.


- Go to work. It may sound funny but it's an issue as I work my way through the probation period.
-Leave a change of clothing at work.

Work at Home:

-Write 20 blog post in the month of October.
-Read the Blogelina ebook.
-Tweek my Freelance Profile.
-Work on my Media Kit
-Choose a new domain name.
-Consult with Blogelina to learn if Mommies and Beyond dot com can be restored on a new domain, fingers crossed.


-Create a homework schedule for the little Mr.
-Find our Halloween Pirate Skeleton Wall Decal.
-Work on an organization project in the little Mr. Room
-Clean Master Bath
-Clip dog nails.
-Organize Coupons
-Begin Reorganization of my craft supplies and collect donations for a community service project.


-Add the final touch on my SwapoWeen Halloween Blog Swap Project.
-Work on My Ghouls, Ghost and Glamor Girls Swap.
-Enter 25 Giveaways
-Find ideas for my swap partners

-Swim 2 times. I swam today too!
-Drink More Water
-Eat Avocados a few times this week.
-Plan Either Paleo or South Beach Diet Menu ideas.

*Research Tiny House Movement.
-Dream about Tiny House Freedom
-Begin my Tiny House Plan and Project.

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