
Friday, September 19, 2014

Halloween Small Rag Wreath

We spent a little time this evening crafting! I began working on a few projects for upcoming Halloween Swap events. I wanted to make a smaller Halloween rag wreath from left over fabric that I had to made my little mister a Halloween themed pillow for school nap time. I liked the fabric print so much that I bought the remainder of the bolt.

I made a door wreath with the same fabric alternating with two other printsva few years ago.I plan to unpack the Fall decorations soon . one of my favorite pieces is the rag wreath.
My little is excited about decorating.

This evening, Miss.A talked about crafts . She participated and planned crafts. Daddy worked on paper crafts making a pretty cool rocket craft. The little made several drawings and then he created a cute monster.

I dididn't get an opportunity to take a picture of dad's work.It blasted off before I could snapa shot of it. Unfortunately, it was a b bit dark when these pictures were taken. Anyway, it was a fun mini craft session!

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