
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week One Plan Recap

Well I must say that I liked having a few goals to focus on this week. So it's time to see how week one stacked


☆Apply for a school Program that my daughter Miss.A. would like to join
☆Pay Event $ for a meal for Miss.J during a school event.
☆Send a Snack for event day for Miss.J.
☆Pack a Bag for Mr.K for swimming lessons this week

Fail:  We didn't Apply for for college #2 Between our schedules and Miss.J. catching a cold.
Complete Volunteer Application for Background Check


☆Go to work, it's been a challenge this week with health issues.
☆Prepare Clothing in advance.
☆Bring in a Coffee Cup & Cold Beverage Cup to keep in desk.
☆Remember to turn in Doctors Note
☆Get a locker

Fail: Leave a Change of Clothing in my work locker.


Wrote 4/5  Blog Post

Fail: Update Freelance Writing Profile


☆Prepare and Lay out Son's School Clothes
☆Reorganize the laundry room
☆Begin a Menu/Grocery list for grocery shopping next week.
☆Vacuum bedroom
☆Wash blankets/Linens from the weekend.

Fail: 1/2 I didn't finish re-organizing my son's dresser . However, his laundry of course was washed as I do this on my day off of work. I did get the school clothing wrinkle free and hung up in the closet.
I didn't Reorganize the pantry but it will only take a few minutes because it's basically in order . I'll do it soon.


☆$5 for Miss.J. plus snack
☆Plan debt repayment for a particular loan
☆Write checks for a loan payment and ☆daughter's end of the month payment for school trip.
☆Address, Stamp and label envelopes.
☆ Update family calendar with new monthly bills and due dates.

Fail: Call the financial service through work to create an online account to begin 401K Plan with the company and stock purchase options.
Rent issue causing a delay in proper payment. Working on meeting with payment person.


☆Make a dinner reservation for Miss.J for Graduation. It may be too early but it's worth a try. I did try but the restaurant was only taking reservations through March 2015. So, I also made reservations and plans for three other birthdays.


1/2 complete.
I did a little work on my first mug rug.
I entereed about 30 giveaways out of the intended 50 Sweepstakes/Giveaways.
I did begin working on the Halloween swap project for my partner. I also made a small halloween rag wreath.

Overall, it went pretty well. I didn't complete all of my intentional goals . However, I mostly feel alright about it . I'll add my incomplete list to this week's goals.

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