
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Weekly Plan Week Two

I'm happy about making a weekly plan. I think it helped me to know ahead of time that I wanted to do a few particular goals. I didn't complete everything on my list but no one is perfect right? So now for week two:

-Complete application for volunteer work.
- Help Miss.J. with completing College application #2.
-Telephone conference with the boys teacher.
-Complete order for Graduation announcements, Cap and Gown and Class Ring for Miss.J.
-Attend a Fundraiser community event.

-Go to work.
-Store a change of clothing in my locker.
-Stash a lunch or snack pantry safe item in my locker.

Work At Home:
-Write 5 blog post.
-Update Freelance Profile
-Work on Media Kit.
-Work in helping my daughter with a side business idea that we would like to develop.

-Get a newspaper on Sunday September 21, 2914
-Organize Coupons
-Get snacks for the children. We don't purchase many snacks but I like to try to keep some healthy items on hand with an occasional Happy snack.
-Organize my son's dresser.
-Clip doggy nails
-Unpack and Decorate our Autumn and Halloween Decorations.
-Clean out my sewing bag.
-Donate Sewing and craft supplies to a volunteer group that I'm joining.
-Remove the 5000 pound television that went out on us. This will be a 2 or 3 person project.
-Organize the pantry.
-Time again to clean out the refrigerator.
-Work on meal planning for a grocery shopping.

-Send in payment for school trip for Miss.J.
-Find out cost of Miss.A . school required gym uniform and/or pay for it.
-Send in deposit for Miss.J . Graduation and Class Ring orders.
-Complete rent issue resolution and payment.
-Make the call to start company 401K plan and stock purchase options.
-Apply for health insurance.
-Gather car insurance quotes (either my DH or myself)

-Get a hair trim
-Find my missing Thirty One bag to keep my change of clothing in for work.

-Complete the Halloween mug rug.
-Complete sewing portion of a Halloween Swap Project.
-Enter 50 Giveaways and Sweepstakes

Wish me luck! Enjoy your week!

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